Flight 93 Hoax

Saturday, August 03, 2024

A Visit to the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville

I've long thought the official flight 93 crash scene was very very weird and likely a hoax. 

I finally got some time to go to the official US Flight 93 memorial and I was very curious if there was any new information about the crash there. In particular I was curious if they had any new major pieces of debris and any better modeling/re-creation of the crash than what I'd seen before.

 May be an image of aircraft, monument and text

First off, the overall area is very hilly and very pretty. 

The park is very nicely done, modern designs, with a main visitors center then a walkway out to a view of the crash site and a memorial wall with the names of the passengers and crew. The memorial wall is is line with the supposed flight path. They have a boulder marking the crash crater, you can see it from about 100 yards away. 

May be an image of grass

The area of burnt out trees from the crash not at all clear in 2024 at site. Hemlock trees there seem symbolic.

The crash site is supposed to be in an old coal mine, strip-mine that was later filled in with "soft dirt". Seems rather fortuitous that the plane crashed there and not on a hillside which is all over this area. I would be curious to know the details on who filled in the strip mine -- when and why. It would be a massive task to put that much dirt in and then not farm the land? Seems odd.

Anyway, the soft dirt is the explanation for how the plane wreck disappeared.

I heard the park ranger give a long talk on story of flight 93 and then she described the crash. Basically she gave the official story (of course), then to explain how the plane disappeared, described it as how if you threw a marble hard into soft sand, as at the beach, and the marble will disappear into the sand leaving a crater. Never mind that a solid marble is totally different from a fragile plane structure.

Said the plane increased to 563 mph before it crashed, upside down, at a 40 degree angle.

Said there was bedrock that stopped the plane 30 feet under ground and that's where it accordioned into the ground and disappeared. Supposedly this also broke up the plane and shattered it into millions of tiny pieces.

Says 5,000 gallons of plane fuel got "launched into the tree line", creating a fireball and burning the trees. No explanation for why the fuel went in that specific direction only.

The whole scenario is very dubious at best.

There is STILL, 23 years later, no accurate video modeling or re-creation of the crash that I've seen.

The visitors center has some plane debris evidence of the crash. There's a lot lot of little pieces like below, but of course these could be anything:

May be an image of text that says 'Fragments of Flight 93 The violence 563 mile oer hour evilenceort63mlee crash reduces the155fctogacatotetornec izable fragments the -foot long aircraft nizable This debris, risandthausandsfotberplcsv and thousand other pieces wire, metal, and insulation iS scattered across acres of field and andwoodland. woodland. APS.COLLECTION APSCON'


There are only a couple of larger pieces of debris that I hadn't seen before.

One is from a video they show of the FBI going over the crash site, this is the biggest piece they ever found:

May be an image of 1 person, television and text that says 'kes ag ANDREA ANDREADAMMANN DAMMANN FBI or or SIX windows long. that was probably five'

Not clear why it is so clean-- completely stripped of any other parts, much like some of the other debris that's been shown previously.

There were some flight 93 specific debris, like tickets and personal effects.

The one bit of plane debris seemingly matched to flight 93 was this, but it's pretty sketchy:

May be an image of map and text

Overall, I have to say, I still don't buy the official story, though I have no idea how they hoaxed it. it feels hoaxed.

I certainly wasn't moved by the memorial. I didn't get any aura of a great tragedy there. And the crash crater makes no damn sense.

I've gone over many different scenarios here and at the other site:

the official story, a hijacking drill with actors, two planes, crash at another location and this fake site, totally fake site, partial fake site-- none of these theories seem truly plausible.

One good thing in researching this post, I found Killtown's old site on flight 93 can be accessed via webarchive, although the blog has been deleted. 

This particular post was pretty good on the burnt trees aspect of the story.

Additional thoughts added 8/4:

1) what happened to the LANDING GEAR STRUTS? Those are big, heavy, very strong parts of the plane we never heard a peep about

2) the large vertical tail fin clearly broke off from the mark on the ground, yet there's only some teeny tiny fragment shown (above). Hard to believe large pieces weren't found if there was a plane crash there.

3) just a reminder that the crash crater is too small for a Boeing 757 and the wing marks don't line up properly. One plausible possibility is some smaller plane crashed at Shanksville that may have also been carrying the same passengers and crew (only 44 people, very low number for a 757), whereas the real flight 93 crashed elsewhere or landed elsewhere and a few 757 parts were strewn around the Shanksville site.

4) the forest site that had many trees burned and/or knocked down still doesn't make sense unless huge piece of the exploding wings flew there, but even then, not clear why they would go only in that direction.

Additional thoughts added 8/6:

1) interesting there is still a HUGE junkyard just a few miles down the road from the crash scene. I know this was still there on 9/11, as it was mentioned back then. It would be a perfect place to get a bunch of scrap metal to blow up in a hole.

2) as far as the exploding fuel going forward to produce the pattern shown in this pic:


One could imagine the wings hitting the ground and breaking up immediately and the fuel inside having some forward momentum-- at least it's not completely implausible.